Thursday, September 19, 2013

The yellow pumpkin

De gele pompoen,
oil on board - 40 x 15 cm,
painted on location - Sun 15 Sept 2013
€ 175

We are entering the autumn season, thought it would be appropriate to make such a painting. Was invited by my good friend René PleinAir, to paint on this lovely hobby fruit farm, with fantastic gardens, and a Monumental tower remaining till this day, from a castle that was built in the MiddleAges. Location Gendt, near Nijmegen, an area known for its fruit harvest. This particular pumpkin stock was hanging off a pear tree, as placed there by the estate owner. Isn't Nature the greatest creator of All? What a miracle, this vegetable, from a seed you get all this. Mind boggling  when you think of it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cala Figuera and Colonia San Jordi, Majorca

Strandgezicht en visser bezig met zijn boot,
oil on wood, 10 x 15 cm each
painted on location - 21 / 23 Sept 2012

€95 each / €150 for both

Posting two small works made while on a short visit to family/friends on the island Majorca, Spain. 
The light there was so strong and powerful, it had a great influence on these small oil sketches.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Begonia's in full bloom #3 & #4

Begonia's in volle bloei,
oil on canvas, 24 x 30 cm
painted on location in Apeldoorn  -  Sun 12 August 2012

€ 225 (each, p/stk) 
#4 (botom painting) SOLD

This series of paintings, (four in total), was made at the art festival, Kunst in de Parken, in Apeldoorn, 10 - 12 August.You can see that the flowers were very ripe and already beginning to wether away. This made for very rich color combinations, and yet another reason why I choose to paint this sweet ensemble of this gift of Nature's beauty.  

Friday, September 14, 2012

Begonia's in full bloom #1 & #2

Begonia's in volle bloei,
oil on canvas, 24 x 30 cm
painted on location in Apeldoorn  -  Sat 11 August 2012

This series of paintings, (four in total), was made at the art festival, Kunst in de Parken, in Apeldoorn, 10 - 12 August. Not my usual subject matter, however these flowers were crying out for attention, and thus inspired me to set up and make these paintings. Rather than paint the whole garden display, I decided to zoom in, as I found the abstract value of the resulting composition more interesting.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Studio Model Session #1 -2012

Model Sessie en atelier #1-2012
Pastel and charcoal on 100g grainy sketch paper
30 x 23cm
made in studio  -  Wed 2 May 2012 SOLD

Today in the studio worked with two fine models, along with a group of artist's from Rotterdam. Here you have a glimpse into my studio, nice spacious room with  good natural light. We were all busy drawing/painting the models. I opted to show the models in the space they occupy.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Canal Scene, Dordrecht

Canal scene with evening light,
oil on canvas
24 x 30 cm   -   9.5" x 12'" 


Supposedly the oldest city in Holland, Dordrecht has a charm of its own, characterized by the many canals and Historic buildings. Here the evening sunlight casting warm tones on the rooftop and upper facades of the houses.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Homage to Robert Henri #4

Young girl with blue eyes
mono print on sketch block
6" x 4.5" - 15 x 12cm
studio work - Feb 2003

$ 125

The last print made in this series. The expression in her eyes are of interest. Also the floral print on her jacket, was fun to paint.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Homage to Robert Henri #3

Young girl in clown costume
oil based mono print on sketch block
6" x 4.5" - 15 x 12cm
studio work - Feb 2003

€ 95

Robert Henri was fascinated with the mystery of a painting. He once said, "a work of art is never complete, it just stops at the right moment". With the technique of mono print, this quote

Monday, January 30, 2012

Homage to Robert Henri #2

Little boy of the South west
mono print on sketching blook
6.5" x 4.5" - 16 x 12cm
studio work - feb 2003

€ 95

Here you have the 2nd of 4 interpretations of the late great Robert Henri, 1865 - 1929. Who incidently was a founding member of the Aschan School, in New York. A post humous book was published, called "The Art Spirit", which contained his thoughts and ideas concerning, Art and more specifically, painting. A must have for anyone who is in this field!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Homage to Robert Henri #1

Imaginery portrait of an Aristocratic Child
oil based monoprint on paper
16 x 12cm
studio work - Feb 2003

€ 95

I happen to be a great fan of Robert Henri, American painter/art teacher of the early 20th century. He loved to make portraits of childern, thus I payed homage to him by producing a small series of monoprints a few years ago. This is an original, one of a kind, thus the term 'mono' print.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Villa Painting by il pittore

Geschilderd Villa door il pittore
oil on linen,
60 x 80 cm
painted summer of 2011, Aug

Private collection, Apeldoorn

Here you have an example of commision work that people request from me, every now and then. This was quite the challenge, as I usually prefer to take more distance from the subject, especially when it is a large structure. An actual picture of my set up and the villa.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

the female nude and artist

Vrouwlijke naakt en schilderes
oil on canvas
100 x 120 cm - (39 x 47 inches)
painted in studio - finished wed 19 October 2011

€ 1,250

The artist's attention is directed to the subject. The subject or model holds a perfectly relaxed position, as her attention is elsewhere, bringing you the viewer to some unknown space. This results is a visual dialogue between the viewer, the artist and the model. She is placed in the forground bringing her in full attention, and can be seen as a homage to the female nude. The artist(Jane Walker) is seen reflected in a mirror, thus she is actually stationed in front of the model. I myself was set up a couple of meters to Janes left. This work was started in the summer of 2007, in my old Rijswijk studio. I have made adjustments to the painting since then, and finalized it yesterday, in my new studio, as I had the same model posing. The Mediterranean setting was intentionally invented, as the wooden shutters, took the place of regular windows. Mind you I did have those plants, and the rest of the setting was actually real. In the near future I will be sitting up a blog that will be exclusively dedicated to the female nude. At that time I will be asking all of you on my Wet Paintings mailing list if you also would like to be included on that blogs list.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Female Nude, 2 sketches

'T vrouwlijk naakt, 2 schetsen
ink and sft pastel on high quality Fabriano Artist's paper
15 x 20 cm
sketched in studio - Wed 5 Oct 2011

€ 65 each (120 for both)

The Female Model, diligently serving the Artist since probably the beginning of the birth of the plastic arts! In other words, a long time after the "Stone Age"! I have this neat Fabriano Artist's Journal, a great binding of high quality coloured sketching paper, thus the surface on were these 2 art works were made. I've decided to start working direct from the model once again. Am hosting sessions in my study, working along side other inspiring artist's. Here's a little peak at the see on the foreground the materials I have used, and the sketchbook of these works.

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Female Nude (a mother-to-be)

'T Aanstaande moeder
oil on gessoed paper
70 x 50 cm - (27.5 x 20 inches)
painted in my studio, Feb. 2004

€ 625

"The Female Nude.....Be not ashamed women, your privilege encloses the is the exit of the rest. You are the gates of the body and you are the gates of the soul." (Walt Whitman). Her name is Marianna. She used to model for me several years ago. Had she not moved back to Argentina, she probably would still be working for me as a model. For many of you this may come as a surprise. However, I do paint subjects other than the sea, landscapes and quaint village scenes. As a matter of fact, I'll be starting to work from the model again, next Wed. 5th of October. I'm offering this work in a very suitable handsome frame.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Old Brewery 'The Elephant', Haarlem

'De Olifant', Spaarne, Haarlem
oil on canvas
40 x 60 cm
painted on location - April/May 2011

Private collection, Haarlem

Haarlem, like most old Dutch cities is full of monumental buildings such as this one. Located along the Spaarne canal, this water way gets a great deal of traffic both commercial and recreational vessels. I was sit up across the canal, in front of the Teyler Museum, which is reported to being Holland's, if not Europe's oldest Museum.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Old Brewery, 'The Elephant', Haarlem

Oudebrouwerij, 'de Olifant', Haarlem
oil on small wood panel
10 x 15cm - (4 x 6 inches)
painted on location - tues 12 april 2011

€ 155

I am working on a commission to make a painting of this scene. This is one of 2 small quick compositional studies that I made in oils. The persons living in the unit behind the 4 emphazied windows, left building 1st floor, are recieving the finished larger piece which I'm still working on. Of course it will have a more polished and finished look than this little gem. But this study has something special about it. And what I like about it, is that I can't explain it!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The model Tamuz, 3 poses

Het model Tamuz
soft pastel/charcoal on white paper
50 x 70 cm (each)
sketched on location live from the model, The Hague - Tues 14 Dec 2010

85 euro each or all 3 for 195 euro

Something different for a change! Was invited by a colleague, to work from the model at The International Art Club of The Hague. In these extremely cold days, it was an oppurtunity I couldn't resist. Working from a life model has same qualities as working on location at a seascape or whatever. The poses are restricted to a certain time frame. The two standing sketches were done in 5 minutes, the sitting pose, somewhat longer. This insures freshness and evidence of the creative process in execution. In such a drawing session of approximately 2 hours, of course more works are made. However what is worth publishing is another matter. Over the years I have worked extensively with life models, thus if this genre work speaks to you, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Exhibition in Baarn

Schilderijen van o.a. il pittore bij
Galerie Peter Altena in Baarn.

Vanaf zondag 28 februari tot en met maandag 5 april exposeert Alberto Valentino bij Galerie Peter Altena, Brinkstraat 27 in Baarn.

Peter Altena en Alberto Valentino zijn al lang schildervrienden. Aan veel schilderfestivals doen zij gezamenlijk mee en met goede resultaten. Vooral de festivals in Noordwijk en Domburg geven veel wederzijdse inspiratie. Dit resulteert in mooie strand- en zeegezichten. Sinds 3 jaar heeft Peter naast het schilderen een eigen galerie waar hij zo’n zes maal per jaar wisselende expositie houdt.

Vele bekende kunstenaars hebben in de galerie hun werken kunnen tonen. Vanaf 28 februari tot en met 5 april toont Alberto een aantal van zijn werken in de galerie van Peter.

Ik wil u van harte uitnodigen voor de opening op zondag 28 februari om 15.00 uur in de Brinkstraat, 27 te Baarn.

Daarnaast is de galerie geopend van donderdag tot en met zaterdag van 13.00 tot 17.00uur en de werken van Alberto blijven hangen tot en met tweede paasdag 5 april.

Galerie Peter Altena is ook bereikbaar via en op telefoonnummer 0355412185.

Galeriehouder, Ineke Altena

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

View of Johanna Westerdijkplein, The Hague

Johanna Westerdijklein, vanaf De Haagse Hogeschool
oil on canvas
40 x 70 cm
painted on location - 2 sessions, Jan/Feb 2010,(finished in studio)

private collection, The Hague

Not a normal subject I would choose to paint, however a commission I accepted due to the nature of the circumstances involved. This work is being gifted as a retirement present to a colleague of the administrative counsel at this learning institute. I intuitively gave much attention to the natural objects featured in this scene, thus the row of trees, the water and the sky. After finding out who Johanna Westerdijk was, I'm glad I did. She was the 1st University Professor in Holland, and her field of study happened to be plant pathology, more specific, Phytopathology. Which in simple terms has to do with the study of plant deceases. I choose to paint this scene, in the twilight hour, as the effect of the soft cool darkening skylight mixed with the artificial lights, creats a pleasing visual affect.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Female nude sketch, from rear.

Model in thought
pencil, pastel on 280 grm sketching paper
21.5 x 14.5 cm
sketched in studio, 5 minutes - 8 Sept 2006

50 euros

Tomorrow I start up in my studio, model drawing/painting sessions. The model is for the most part nude, and for reasons of beauty and grace, usually a female. (God, must have felt very creative Over the years I have amassed a rather large amount of such sketches. Thus should you ever be so inclined to include in your art collection works of this genere, feel free to make an appointment.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Isola di Panarea, Isole Eolie (Sicilia)

Village of St. Pietro, Panarea, Aeolian Islands, Sicily
oil on masonite
10 x 15 cm
painted on location - July 1988

345 euro (this comes complete with an Italian silverleaf guilded wooden frame)

For those of you new to my postings, this may come as a surprise, the exsistence of the Dry Paintings from The Lowlands blog. Here I feature older works and artworks not related to the Wet Paintings concept. This little oil was made one fine summers day back in 1988. It is the only remaining work of a series of 16 paintings all made in that time. Thus it is somewhat dear to me, and it won't just easily walk out of my studio! Panarea is one of the hottest tourist spots in the whole of the Mediterranean. I visited this island for the 1st time in 1979. As a result I was lucky to have made a lifelong friendship with the Cincotta Family, owners of the renowned Villagio Turistica Cincotta and Hotel La Piazza. This painting along with 5 more made on this island and the recent 12 paintings made in Sicily last month, will be featured at the Italian Traiteur & Delicatessen, That's Amore, on the Laan van Meerdervoort 188a, The Hague, next week.(Will send an official invitation on next very soon).

Signature on back of painting.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Village Scene, Menetreol-sous-Sancerre, France

Early evening, Rue de La Chappelle
oil on canvas, mounted on board
10 x 13 cm
painted on location - 26 May 2009

Private collection, Alkmaar NH

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hommage to Gauguin

Copy of Deux Tahitiennes 1899, by Paul Gauguin
oil on wood panel
60 x 80 cm (approx.)
painted in 1984, Verona, Italy

private collection, Aurora, Ontario, Canada

A very early work made back in my days at the Accademia de Belli Arte, in Verona, Italy. I took it upon myself to make this copy of one of my favorite artist's, Paul Gauguin (1848 - 1903), who in the later part of his life settled in Tahiti, in the Polynesian Islands. Something about the subject of this particular painting by the post-impressionist master, that inspired me to make this painting. To bad I could not have done it directly from the original, as being a student in Verona, it was hardly possible to make the journey to visit the Metropolitian Museum of Art in New York City, where it is housed. It is a well known fact that copying master paintings can only help the up and coming art student to get a grip on composition and other qualities that go into making great works of art.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Via Grescia, (Chianglie), Sora, Italia

Road leading to Castel Santo Castro, Sora(Fr), Italia
oil on canvas
10 x 15 cm
painted on location, October 1984

private collection, Aurora, Ontario, Canada

Now this is a dry painting, for sure. Made when I had finally decided to bight the bullet, and made the choice to go to Italy in order to deepen my studies in the Fine Arts. Belle Arte, as they say in Italian. This is a scene of the historical center of the village were I was born. That dark thin object leading from the top of middle house to the wall on right edge, is not to dry clothes on, but rather to insure that the facades of these old houses don't collapse, as they have up till now survived many an earth tremor. It most likely was installed after the 1915 earthquake which destroyed about 40% of the buildings in this area.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Artist with model series #1, 09

Frits and myself reflected on mirror with model
Ink/pastel on Casson 200grm paper
50 x 65 cm
sketched in studio - Fri 17 April 2009

75 euro

This is the first art work that I have created in my new studio space. You can get an idea of how this area of the studio has been furnished. I'm standing at the easel working out a detail on this very sketch, Frits is studying the model, his eyes are gazed at her. Th model in turn contemplates the little wax nude statue, that I made some years ago.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sketch of the White boat, Delft

Preliminary sketch, The White Boat, Delftse Vliet
Pastel/ink on colored paper
24 x 35 cm
made on location, May 2004

95 euros (with pas-par-tout and frame 125)

This is the first work I made of this subject. A small oil of this scene was painted, shortly thereafter, you can see it on my website in the archive section.
Last year I made another oil painting of this boat and surroundings which can be found on my Wet Paintings blog, (spring 2008). Characteristic of this medium is the spontaneity and unfinshed look, creating at the same time a mood and reference for the starting and finishing of the final work.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Model and Artist, red and blue.

Model and artist #1/09
oil on canvas
15 x 24 cm
painted in my studio feb 2008


This is a theme I have been working on now for at least three yrs. If this painting speaks to you, you are welcome to come by the studio and browse thru the more than 50art works I have in this theme. The artist, is seen studying the subject, through the reflection of a large mirror, strategically placed behind the reclining nude model.