Road leading to Castel Santo Castro, Sora(Fr), Italia
oil on canvas
10 x 15 cm
painted on location, October 1984
private collection, Aurora, Ontario, Canada
Now this is a dry painting, for sure. Made when I had finally decided to bight the bullet, and made the choice to go to Italy in order to deepen my studies in the Fine Arts. Belle Arte, as they say in Italian. This is a scene of the historical center of the village were I was born. That dark thin object leading from the top of middle house to the wall on right edge, is not to dry clothes on, but rather to insure that the facades of these old houses don't collapse, as they have up till now survived many an earth tremor. It most likely was installed after the 1915 earthquake which destroyed about 40% of the buildings in this area.
thanks Darlene,
enjoying your postings lately as well, keep up the good work
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