Casa tipica, centro storico, Sora (FR)
oil on canvas,
60 x 40 cm
painted on location, May 1984
Collection of Errico Paradisi, Sora (FR), Italy
Here you have an example of an early work. I painted this in the middle of the day, while most people were having their afternoon siesta. The contrast of the bright sunlight on the building as compared to the shadows created, I feel make this scene work as an oil painting. That copper water container, (gonga), just to the right of the green door is typical of this region in Italy, known as "La Ciociaria". Upon finishing this painting I was told that this house was once occupied by an uncle of my mother, who was the grandfather of my cousin, Errico Paradisi. I then decided to gift this work to him, who has had it hanging in a most suitable frame in his living ever since. Sorry about the reflections, (me taking picture), as the work is behind glass.